Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm here

I missed the pre-trip 'why I'm here' post so I'll abbreviate part somewhat. I'm here because I wanted so settle both my curiosity about New Orleans and my desire to contribute to rebuilding.

Day One was tough. For the first two hours that I was working, I was pretty lost. It took that lost for me to start to get some idea of what was going on and what I was supposed to be doing. I think that tomorrow will be better. I'll be able to get into it more quickly.

The city is a mixture of contrast and irony. On one had, the majority of the buildings in downtown are in good shape and occupied. On the other hand, there is always at least one ramshackle building within sight waiting to be renovated or demolished. The vibrant and indulgent Bourbon Street looks as if it doesn't know that the rest of the city is in such a dire condition. It's clear, though, that New Orleans was a great place before Katrina and it seems likely that it's near turning around and coming back.

Dinner time!

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